Work Ending 29/4/2016

  • Work Ending 29/4/2016

    Work Ending 29/4/2016

    Wow what is going on with this weather! it really had been four seasons in one day.
    Its been Lovely then its been not. Anyway lets stop talking about the weather and on with some of the work done the past couple of weeks.

    This is the Finished Gable ends that we finished a few weeks ago.

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    We Also put a date Stone on a Cottage that is getting sold in Monifieth as well as Lithomex Window Rybats.

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    We started a Garage a couple of weeks ago. As you can see its a fair size! the roof has been going on this week so will be back to it next week.

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    While the roof has been going on the garage we got on with a wood burning stove and we got it finished up just in time for the Snow!! Yes Snow! Nearly May!…….

    The fire place had been blocked up and the chimney taken down. We had to un block it put a new concrete lintel in and build the sides up with old brick. Cleaned all the bricks up re-pointed everything Plastered around the opening and fitted a Lintel. The Stove is the Charnwood C5.

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    This is the start to a Fire surround made from CopCrag more pics to come as it gets finished off.


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