
  • Updates


    So COLD!!!!  Sorry its been a while but while i have a bit of a snow day and informant of a computer thought id get a update done!

    Not That we have been getting our teeth into too much this year because of the weather!! we have managed to finish a few jobs. Once this cold weather goes we have a full diary again that will keep us busy and updating you a lot more.

    First job of the year way back in January.
    This frontage will Pillars had been getting a lot of water running through it and lots of cracks from a previous repair had started appearing. We fix all the cracks and lime washed all the stone work.


    Just Before Christmas we also removed old brick chimneys that were very unsafe and rebuilt using new stone tooled. We only Repaired the chimneys!

    We have taken delivery of new stone to start a local project we will be getting started as well.

    Alot of our other work can be seen on our Facebook site and Instagram accounts just search rocked out stone.

    More updates over the next couple of weeks.

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